Sunday 25 March 2012

Commodity News, Commodity Market News, MCX Live News, Commodities Market – Moneyline


Date: 26/3/2012

The total output of Rape-Mustard in the country including Toria Crop is estimated at 60.3 lakh tonnes for the current season, according to a latest update from the Solvent Extractor's Association Of India (SEA). Although the crop is reasonable and arrival has picked up, there is continuous disparity in the crushing, notes the SEA. The SEA opines that the crop size is reasonable and do not get panic to buy rapeseed at high price and run into losses. It would be more prudent and advisable to restrict your buying to the current operational need. This would bring the market at reasonable level in a month or two.

The overall rabi oilseeds crop 2011-12 decreased to 87.90 lakh tonnes from 98.75 lakh tonnes last year and the combined kharif and rabi oilseed crops is estimated at 260.15 lakh tonnes, up by 5.75 lakh tonnes from the previous year. Although the oilseeds production has gone up marginally, the total vegetable oil availability is estimated at 81.24 lakh tonnes compared to 85.23 lakh tonnes last year, since the marketable surplus for high oil content seeds like rapeseed and groundnut has reduced.

In view of the lower availability of vegetable oils & to meet the growing demand due to increase in per capita consumption and population, India may have to import atleast additional 5 lakh tonnes of edible oil compared to last year and may touch in range of 92 to 94 lakh tonnes for the oil year 2011- 12 (Nov-Oct) costing exchequer over Rs.50,000 crores.
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